Workshop with young people in Mexico City


24 March 2020

On March 5, the TRYSPACES Mexico team met with the objective of representing how Mexico City is experienced by the young people who live in the El Chopo and El Salado areas on a daily basis.

Through a drawing and improvisation exercise facilitated by Rodrigo Olvera, we collectively created the x-script on which the video we will present about Mexico City at the Summer School will be based. Common elements emerged, such as walking, substance use such as marijuana or pulque, parties in public spaces, specific areas of the city where people go for fun, such as Zona Rosa or the tianguis el Salado. In the conversation, experiences linked to fear, sexual exploitation, frequent trajectories, insecurity and natural spaces within the city also emerged.

We thank the young people who attended: Antonio, David, Irene, Leslie, Victor Manuel and Alfredo; the students Tonatiuh, Laura, Adriana, Lorena, Aitana and Manuel and our creative partners, Karina and Rodrigo.