Origins of the Project
TRYSPACES emerged at the convergence of four research teams which had involved the VESPA (Ville et ESPAces politiques) research laboratory of the Centre Urbanisation Culture Société, funded by the Canada Research Chair on Urbanity, Insecurity and Political Action (2005-2015).
HYPS – Hanoi Youth Public Space
HYPS is a Vietnamese-Canadian partnership project that examined the use of public spaces by youth in Hanoi, as well as the social, urban planning and economic constraints related to the development of an urban culture by Vietnamese youth.
mapCollab – Histoires personnelles, histoires de quartier
[mapCollab – Personal stories, neighbourhood stories] There is too much negative talk about young people from working-class and immigrant backgrounds. The collaborative mapCollab research project aims to strike a different chord by bringing to the fore the voices and experiences of young people living in two popular and immigrant neighbourhoods in the Paris region (La Maladrerie and Quatre chemins-Diderot) and in Montreal (Saint-Michel and La Petite-Bourgogne).
PLURADICAL – Équipe de recherche sur le pluralisme et la radicalisation
[PLURADICAL – Pluralism and Radicalization Research Team] The PLURADICAL research team is interested in the questions raised by pluralism and notions of togetherness. Considering pluralism as an ordinary constraint of contemporary societies, the team proposes to conceive radicalization as a form of social interaction produced by the relationship to otherness.
RECIM – Réseau continental de recherche sur l’informalité dans les espaces métropolitains
[RECIM – Continental research network on informality in metropolitan areas] RECIM is an international forum for debate on questions and issues related to informality. It brings together researchers from Mexico, the United States, Canada, France and South Africa. The network proposes to break the “north-south” dichotomy and to consider informality as a heuristic device to better understand contemporary realities.