Pop-part: the video clips are online!


16 December 2019

The Pop-Part project brings together young people from working-class neighbourhoods in the Paris region, associations and academics around a participatory research project aimed at documenting urban experiences from the point of view of young people.

As part of this research, about 100 videos were produced by youth from ten neighbourhoods to represent their living environment from their own perspective. All the videos can be found here on our YouTube account.

Go take a look at it!

Yassa – Aubervilliers from Tryspaces on YouTube.

About Pop-part

This participatory and multidisciplinary research project aims to analyse the ongoing social and urban reconfigurations in working-class neighbourhoods in a context of metropolisation, from the perspective of youth. By understanding the experiences of young people, girls and boys, based on their territorial roots, their trajectories, their social representations and by placing them in a past and present history of working class neighbourhoods, it aims to capture the contradictory dynamics that contribute to these reconfigurations.

To do this, it is based on a three-pronged approach: (1) starting from the experience of young people, (2) understanding metropolitan space from the point of view of working class neighbourhoods, (3) co-producing research with young people and building with them the audiovisual and digital tools for its appropriation in a citizen science perspective. It thus responds to methodological, epistemological and theoretical issues.

More information here: https://poppartrechercheparticipative.com/


Corbeil —Tarterets


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