Corbeil —Tarterets
The transformation of working-class neighbourhoods, impoverished and excluded, remains a fundamental challenge in the development and management of metropolitan areas. This issue has forcefully re-emerged in recent times France because of a series of social revolts, pointing to issues of discrimination, inequality and spatial segregation. The lack of prospects is pushing many young and older residents to various forms of illegalism. In this research, we position ourselves through the vision of young people themselves. The research aims to capture the recompositions underway in these territories by trying to overcome homogenizing, stigmatizing or on the contrary naïve analyses, which tend to predominate in France and elsewhere. The research is designed with a three-pronged approach:
- 1. starting from the experience of young people to apprehend social and territorial relations in an intersectional approach
- 2. apprehending metropolitan space from the point of view of working-class neighbourhoods instead of considering it only from the point of view of the centre which sees these neighbourhoods only as territories of exclusion and
- 3. developing a participatory research method using digital tools.
Listen here the podcast created by the Corbeil team, about youth perspectives on many current societal issues. This podcast project has been funded by the TRYSPACES mobilisation fund.
Click here for 2020 A4 format printable version and 8.5 x 11 format printable version.
Click here for 2019 A4 format printable version and 8.5 x 11 format printable version.
Click to consult the web version of the case study summary sheet for the year 2018 and here for the printable version.