A sensory workshop at the intersection of technology, research and mapping
5 December 2022On October 6, “Feeling the map. A sensory workshop at the intersection of technology, research and mapping” was held simultaneously in Montreal and Mexico City. It was an opportunity to experiment technologically and collectively, and to stimulate reflection on the affective, the sensitive, and other approaches to mapping.
The day began with two walks that were broadcast via Instagram live. Emory Shaw and Tonatiuh Martínez animated the itineraries in each city. Thanks to them and those who join the tour, we were able to get to know a part of the urban environments in which the Mexico City and Montreal teams are immersed. To see the video outcome of this itinerary, click here.
The tours concluded at Concordia University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. After these, the presentations began. First, the artistic partner of TRYSPACES, Culturans, presented the dynamic work being carried out by different groups of students in Hanoi, Paris, Montreal and Mexico City in the TRYCITIES project. In addition, they presented the progress of the TRYCOSMOS platform, which is an interactive web page that shows the work done in TRYSPACES. Afterward, Élise Olmedo, Postdoctoral researcher at Concordia University (Canada), shared her work on the opportunities and limitations of sensorial mapping. Her presentation contributed to reflect on the elements that compose cartographies and to explore different ways of representing spaces in an everyday and emotive way. Finally, Jorge Palomino, professor at Universidad Central (Colombia), shared a presentation on the affective, technology and ways of living the city. His participation allowed us to approach the materiality and the corporeal nature that constitute the multiple uses of technology and our experience in the city. The walks, the presentations and the questions of the participants were triggers to continue the dialogue around research and cartographic production.
Furthermore, the workshop was an experimental exercise considering the challenges of translation, the simultaneity of the events in Mexico City and Montreal, the virtual participation of TRYSPACES members from other cities, and the ongoing effort to communicate and dialogue between different languages about cartographies and the urban experience. Thanks to those who made the activity possible and to those who participated in this collective exercise!