27 April 2022The notice “Montréal nocturne: youth perspective on the use of public spaces” is now available.
This document, produced in collaboration with TRYSPACES, the University of Montreal, the Conseil jeunesse de Montréal and Respire, is the result of an impressive fieldwork: nearly 500 hours of observation of almost 8000 users of Montreal’s parks, 63 young people interviewed, 11 interviews with community workers and actors. It is probably one of the largest qualitative research projects on youth in Montreal/on the night in Montreal/on youth, the night (to be confirmed… who says better?) To be continued: the official launch, a publication in Ethnologies, a column in the Métro. We’ll send you the details soon.
Read here the article wrote in Le Métro Newspaper and the interview at 98.5 Radio.

Congratulations to the entire team who worked with heart and intelligence to collect data and write the report: Amani, Magalie, Léa, Sarah-Maude, Chloé, Camille, Quentin, Mélissa, Noah. Thank you to Tryspaces for making this project and the collaboration with the Youth Council possible.