«Living Lab» method applied in different contexts


3 febrero 2020

Alexia Bhéreur-Lagounaris, TRYSPACES’ central coordination coordinator, will lead two outstanding workshops in the Experience program, know to be «the new rendez-vous for the event and business tourism industry in Quebec».  The Living Lab method experimented in the TRYSPACES project is at the heart of the presentations that will be made by Alexia and the methods of the ABLAB project, of which she is also the founder. The proof that this methodology fits well in all kinds of contexts, from research to events. Expérience is organized by Les Affaire and will be held in Montreal on February 20th 2020.

Two titles to look for in the event’s program:

1. «Optimisez la synergie dans votre équipe événementielle : une aventure participative « dont vous êtes le héros »

2.«Apprivoisez les nouvelles tendances en UX design et en intelligence émotionnelle pour mettre l’expérience participant au cœur de votre planification événementielle.»

On the menu for both of these conferences/workshops:

– Learn how to better manage event-related stress with tips to improve communication between individuals and teams;
– Explore strategies to make and succeed in very quick and successful changes of direction in a very short period of time;
– Apply tactics to break down silos and solve problems effectively.
– Keep up to date with the latest trends in UX design and emotional intelligence applied to events;
– Understand the limitations of a «techno-power-trio» experience perspective – stimulating only the brain, eyes and fingers;
– Learn how to use your emotional intelligence during the setting up of your event so that the event is in line and continuity with human values.

Learn more in this interview with Alexia conducted by Les Affaires.