80th Anniversary of the Federal Drug Regulation


24 mars 2020

This conversation, which took place on February 17, aimed to recall a historic moment in Mexican legal and regulatory frameworks, when in 1940, during his last year in office, Lázaro Cárdenas legalized drugs in Mexico. The Federal Regulations on Drug Addiction eliminated various punitive decrees that considered the consumption, possession and sale of drugs as a crime and stopped considering people with drug abuse problems as criminals and moved them to the category of sick people, monopolizing the sale of drugs to the government, which provided doses as treatment for people who were dependent on some psychoactive substance.

This conversation allowed us to rethink the relationship that societies have with substance consumption, and how legality affects practices and conceptions of consumption. We also talked about the relevance of historicizing and situating public policies, which is indispensable in the present. The forum, moderated by Luis Astorga, researcher linked to TRYSPACES, was attended by researchers and activists. The full discussion can be found here: